Google, Apple and Facebook; all in the naughty corner...

Well what a week it's been. I have to say ladies and gents there are times when I struggle to think of what to write about and then there are times when there's such a deluge of web related shenanigans I hardly know what to do with myself...

So it's been a few weeks since I talked about Apple; I came, I saw, I ranted, and then I finally moved onto another subject. But in the last few days, the technology giants, have, once again hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Apparently it wasn't enough to park 74 billion US dollars offshore, losing the US economy 17 billion dollars just at the time when it was most needed. No, no, Apple are now following the same business model on the shores of our beloved British Isles; using Ireland as the tax haven to end all tax havens and losing HMRC £570 million of taxable income in the process. How? Apparently this is all 'legal' (Ireland has a significantly lower rate of corporation tax, don’t you know), whether it’s ethical is another question...

Sadly Facebook and Google are following suite, (I know, I know – I lauded Google in particular in last week’s column, I hang my head in shame). Is it a wonder then that Google’s share price dropped yesterday by 20%? Is it really due to a drop in advertising (people waking up to click fraud – perchance?). The timing may have been a blunder (a printing company employed by the search engine mistakenly let a press release out of the bag; no doubt there are some knuckles being rapped down at that company). Facebook in particular paid only £238,000 of corporation tax last year in the UK on estimated revenues of £175 million. Hmph, is all I have to say about that.  Oh and one post-script; if these technology giants just paid their taxes in full like the good honest citizens they target, their profits might just be even higher than present; for companies motivated by greed, that’s got to be an incentive...


On another note – yes there are always several... This week brought to light an ingenious new app (soon to be released to IPhone users and already available on Android); say hello to Cate; the app that allows you to create a secret log of calls and text messages, perfect for keeping prying eyes away from the sensitive data on your smartphone. Now I know it might initially seem like a James Bond Gizmo at the service of adulterous husbands and wives worldwide, but there is an alternative use that might be more useful; privacy (for individuals and government organisations). In the age where sites scour the web aggregating information from a plethora of sources, privacy is starting to look quite attractive. Which brings me to my third and final point:

What on earth is going on across the web? Sites such as Pipl, Peepl, Zoominfo and the French version; Yatedo are crawling the Internet and aggregating free information on everyone on the planet and then creating a profile based on whatever they can find. Since some of this material is old cached pages you’ve tried your darnest to erase, this can prove quite frustrating to say the least. Google yourself now, to see if you’ve fallen pray to the grave diggers of the web – and if so, take action accordingly, by requesting for the profile to be removed, and then contacting Google to have the cached page wiped at webmaster tools.

And remember – the power of the dollar vote; it's quite literally all we have.

This is Cybergirl, signing off.


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